Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The savings account at ING now stands at $1256.50 this does not include the original $400 that was stashed away in a CD.

My upcoming flight home was booked and cost me a little over $400 so that did not hurt as much as I thought it would.

I am back to my 20+ hours at the part-time gig so the weekly paycheck should go back to looking pretty healthy for March and onwards. This will be needed with the upcoming trip and my $1000 credit card pay off per month.

I am trying to stay focused on my goals. My main priority right now is paying off the credit cards and staying on top of Sallie Mae weekly payments since it is a private student loan. The mini-efund is well above my original goal of $1,000 so I can leave that on auto-pilot and not worry about it for a while.


BK said...

you can do it!!

Contemplations of a Woman said...

Good for you sis !

Anonymous said...

Well, I just got done reading every post you have on your blog! It was very interesting! It is inspiring to see someone of your age so set on being out of debt. You are in my links and I will be checking in for your updates. I hope you reach all your goals by year's end.

Chance said...

I love seeing that big solid green bar for your emergency fund goals! Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Queen, I knew you could do it.