Saturday, December 02, 2006

Flexible Savings Account is the next best thing since....

slice bread.

The paper work was submitted just a few days ago, and I received my check today. A nice whopping check for $500.

Here is the plan. I will be depositing $250 into ING, and use the balance on making extra payments on the student loans for this month.

This will bring me closer to my goal for the mini emergency fund which is $1,000. Once I achieve this goal I will reduce the amount I am direct depositing into savings, so that I can focus more on bringing down my credit card debt.


Beachgirl said...

Make sure you take advantage of the referral system with ING. If you open an account with at least $250, you receive $25 and the person the referred you gets $10. I can refer you if you don't have anyone yet. Just shoot me an e-mail at tstyler98 at

Tired of being broke said...

Thanks ncbeach, I already have an ING account. Am trying to make it grow.

BK said...

glad to see it worked for ya.. now you just gotta make sure you budget for the right amount for next year!